Friday, 22 July 2016

phone booting into stock recovery instead of CM recovery after flashing

Hey guys. I'm sort of new to all of this.

I'm trying to install CyanogenMod 13 for my Australian S5 (no carrier) (SM-G900I). From googling, it seems I need to use the "kltekdi" ROM and recovery.

I've been trying to use odin to flash the recovery found here ( .

odin doesn't work with img files it seems so I had to use this ( img to tar.md5 converter script thing.

when flashing the recovery, everything seems to go to plan, (shows green pass box), however I just get the stock recovery when I press vol up + power + home instead of the CM recovery.

i did some more googling and some guides suggested pulling the usb cable and battery as soon as the phone begins to reboot or as soon as odin shows the green pass box in order to stop the stock recovery from overwriting my progress.

I tried this but the same thing happens!

Any help would be appreciated.

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