Monday 4 July 2016

[RK3066][GS?] Wifi and USB stopped working - Hardware defect or MCU issue?


I have an MTCB device in my car since 2014. It was working quite nicely. I did the BT Mic mod, added a pigtail for the WIFI and an external antenna. I have a HDD connected to the powered USB port and used the antenna 12V out to power a USB hub to which a 3G dongle is connected. All was fine.

Then at some point the USB hub stopped working. I noticed it as my 3G stopped to work. First I suspected a bad cable but it turned out that the 12V out for the antenna wasn't delivering enough current anymore. So I decided for a different setup and connected the USB hub to an external 12V supply (yes it is a 12V USB hub!). So far so good, everything was working again. As I was in the mood I noticed that there was a new GS MCU and flashed it. Moreover I removed the DVD drive to leave more space in the unit to prevent overheating. AFAIR I rebooted and everthing worked.

The next day neither the data from the USB drive were there nor the WIFI was working. After some more investigation I noticed that also the 3G dongle wan't working. So altogether the whol USB stack and the WIFI did not work. I was puzzled. Removed some of the USB parts and rebooted. Nothing. Then I reverted the GS MCU update. Nothing. I remembered vaguely having such an issue after a wrong MCU update in the past. And I got unsure whether GS was the right MCU. So I went on and tried several different MCU images (GS, JY, KGL, KLD, RM) with no luck.

Now I m puzzled whether the external 12V to the USB might have caused a hadware issue or there might be some other hardware issues I ran into or maybe it is still an MCU issue. The android image is at the latest 4.4.4 of Malayk. I ran an older version of it for months without any problem.

If you need more infos, pictures and so on, let me know. Thanks in advance for any hint or help.


1 comment:

  1. Not relevant to your question, however I also have a gs unit and I have been trying to find a guide for the internal mic hack. Could you help?
