Wednesday 20 July 2016

[Need help] after updating to android 6.0 computer doens't recognize mobile and mbugs

Hello community. I own a xt1069 (moto g 2gen) and there was no problem with my mobile until i update it to the android 6.0.
The notifications doesn't make sound and i can't hear them in the notification config screen. The dialer doesn't work the speakerphone feature, but it doesn't work only in this native app (dialer), beacause while i make a call with other apps it works fine. And the biggest problem it's that after i updated it, any of my computers can open the mobile. I just get a usb device not recognize error, i'm going to put here: (as my pc it's in pt-br i'm going to translate literaly and the error message might be different on english windows versions):
"Windows interrompeu este dispositivo porque encontrou problemas. (Código 43)
Falha em uma solicitação de descritor de dispositivo USB. "
"The windows interrupt this device due to some problems (code 43)
Failure in a usb device description solicitation"
And that's the biggest problem because if i can't access my mobile through my pc i can't downgrade it.

I'm really worried and all help is welcome :D

ah, and i've already tried to open the usb debugging option in the developer options :D and also change the usb connection type. (mtp/ptp) but it just charges the phone and gives the error. =/
Kind regards
Thank you all 0/

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