Tuesday 26 July 2016

Manually Installing RemixOS-Marshmallow [NEW LZ4 System.sfs Extraction]

I'm used to install RemixOS manually on a HardDrive partition and using GRUB for multibooting with Ubuntu, Windows, etc. This time I found some trouble installing new Marshmallow based build. It seems like Jide started using Squashfs+lz4 compression on this build and shipped squashfs-tools with Ubuntu can't manage it.

For the ones who don't know what "manually installing" means:

1- Download RemixOS .zip
2- Extract .zip and mount ISO extracted
3- Copy all ISO contents to a new partition where RemixOS will be installed ~8GB or more
4- Uncompress system.sfs using unsquashfs tool (this will generate system.img)
5- Deleste system.sfs
6- Create "data" folder alongside the files extracted from ISO
7- Make new custom GRUB entry for RemixOS on the correct used partition
8- Boot RemixOS from multiboot GRUB

So the best and easy way to solve the unsquashing problem is to download squashfs-tools source and building it with lz4 support.
Here the steps:
1- We' are going to build squashfs with full support for every available compress method (lzo,lz4,lzma,gzip) so we need dev packages, just run:


sudo apt-get install liblzo2-dev liblzma-dev liblz4-dev

2- Create a working folder and download squashfs-tools source
3- Open terminal go to working folder and uncompress source:


tar -zxvf squashfs4.3.tar.gz

NOTE: if they release a new version you need to replace "4.3"
4- Go to source folder and open makefile for editing:


cd squashfs4.3/squashfs-tools
gedit Makefile

NOTE: if they release a new version you need to replace "4.3"
5- In te Makefile uncomment (erase "#") in the following lines:
6- Compile and Install:


sudo make install

If everything goes right you can now open a new terminal and unsquash every squashfs file you can find and of course new LZ4 compressed from RemixOS. I hope this result helpfull for anyone!

NOTE: If you are not interested in having some un/compress type you can avoid installing xxx-dev corresponding package and DO NOT comment corresponding line on Makefile.

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