Sunday 3 July 2016

LENOVO K900 Problem with flash radio radio_firmware_6360.bin

Hi, I have big problem with flash radio in Lenovo K900. Always the same problem, I try and try...

Logs of MFT:


07/03/16 13:54:11.390 WARNING: Port 0/0/3 #0: Failed to execute "fastboot -s MedfieldB4BD38D4 flash radio "C:\radio_firmware_6360.bin"":
sending 'radio' (11310 KB)
OKAY [ 0.729s]
writing 'radio'...
FAILED (remote: flash_cmds error!
finished. total time: 19.945s
07/03/16 13:54:13.391 ERROR : Port 0/0/3 #0: Flash failure

I have all drivers, I try via MFT, after xFSTK and CMD. No effect too.
What's is wrong?
HELP ME, please :( (sorry for my english)


  1. why is it you cant respond to problems, am experiencing the same problem but seems you are not willing to help

  2. why is it you cant respond to problems, am experiencing the same problem but seems you are not willing to help
