Saturday, 2 July 2016

Enabling FM on msm8996 Qualcomm rooted.

I would like to know how to get the FM radio working on a rooted Qualcomm S7 Edge, the sm-g9350, Hong Kong variant.
I've rooted on Aurora ROM from a chinese site, and it doesn't have what's needed for FM. I can't get OTA updates as knox is 0x1. I've poured over the AP7 T Mobile update that enabled FM for the USA S7 Edge Qualcomm variants. I've found some radio jar files, some lib files, but I'm at a loss as to how to get FM working.

How do I do this? It's the Qualcomm msm8996 chip, which runs on some other devices that have fm.

Can someone with knowledge on this please work with me or help me in getting this working?

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