Wednesday 27 July 2016

Does TypeApp (BlueMail) have security problems- secure email apps?

Question: Both Aquamail and TypeApp use Auth 2 token approach with gmail and hotmail/Outlook accounts added to their apps HOWEVER unlike AquaMail (or so Aquamail says on its privacy policy) it is not clear if TypeApp is secure because it uses third party servers (Amazon's) to temporarily store email and maybe passwords (TypeApp a little vague on this point in its privacy policy/Android tips sections). Aquamail was created by one Russian individual - so not thirlled to use - what if he tires of it, gets sick or unfortunately dies - I have two businesses and seems crazy to relay on precious email on it. TypeApp seems to be a small group as well and unclear who they really are. YET only email choices are anemic ones that come with phones, in my case Samsung's, or Outlook which is not very good, or gmail which has limits how far back emails cnan be from and no auto bb, although I think I found a work around/method to have auto bcc for all email accounts put in gmail app, but gmail is missing a lot of features TypeApp offers and Yahoo can't handle Exchange and that is it folks for major company email apps. For something so crucial as email, which doubled in use in last two years, and MOST critical feature for phone for business users, its kind of shocking. What are small companies to do who can't afford their own Exchange servers? World of VPN still not clear to me - unclear if can handle my small business hosted on Aabaco (that company bought out Yahoo Small Business), my small business hosted on GoDaddy's Office 365 (so has "piece" of Exchange server), and my gmail accounts.

If there are any SECURITY EXPERTS who might respond with their thoughts would appreciate it. (Yes I know no email is fully secure unless through end-to-end encrypted but looking for next best since can even that can have problems -- swiss one that was crowdfunded was hit by ransomware). Trying to get on Android phone the security of Blackberry and ability to get all email through one email app. As noted, have two small companies one re Yahoo Small Business now Aabaco and and other on GoDaddy 365 (so Exchange mail) plus gmail accounts. Wanted to use TypeApp but after reading its privacy policy and reading in TypeApp's own Android Tips section about re auth2 security, I did more research and found two articles with opposite view.

One says TypeApp not at all secure since keeps emails temporarily on third party servers possibly with passwords and even though uses tokens for gmail and hotmail/outlook accounts, it can only use SSL for other types of accounts, so passwords in an "extra" place (Amazon's servers) making it open to additional place to be hacked.; and (2) other article says it is very secure as is Aquamail (see the reply from Julianoniem that discusses Autu 2 and ranks the emails based on Auth).

TypeApp says has to store users' emails temporarily on third party servers (instead of like Aquamail in which users emails go directly from email provider to users' account) in order to offer push rather than fetch and so that user can use feature offered to delay responding. Want to use TypeApp since it offers key things need including: (1) auto bcc for a workaround for the GoDaddy Account (too long to explain the workaround here) ; and, (2) ability to "show" all emails as far back in time as want.

So what do you think about security of TypeApp after you read its privacy Policy and based on its use of third party servers in the structure I described?

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