DstrikersZ1 and PDesire present you a new custom ROM for Z Ultra series

DISCLAIMER : Your warranty is void forever !! I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards. Thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM. Before flashing it! you are choosing to make these modifications. And if you point the finger at me for messing up your device. I will laugh at your FACE!!! and USE AT OWN YOUR RISK !! |
First: The main work is made by @dstrikersZ1, all thanks to him (Thread Link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xper...3#post56496283) Hello Xperia Z Ultra users. I'm having a new innovation for DstrikerZU Kai ROM. Now, This ROM is turned into Lollipop with Xperia X features Because, This is based on ZU LP 5.1.1 14.6.A.1.236 and combined with based on Z3, Z5 and Xperia X latest firmware and it's suitable for C6833 only and should work on both bootloaders This ROM is also deodexed, performance tweaked, modified features, stable, smooth UI and fast also combined with some latest features like Xperia Z3, Z5 and Xperia X. Let's taste and feel this ROM like Xperia X with performance tweaking Tested with any benchmark testing and got 47000+ AnTuTu score in my result THIS IS THE FIRST Z ULTRA ROM WITH X APPS AND UI |

Based on latest Xperia Z1 series LP 5.1.1 FW 14.6.A.1.236 Also combined with rebased from Z3 firmware and Z5 LP latest firmware and also Xperia X features Support for C6902,C6903, C6943, C6906, and also Z1 Compact for testing Heavily debloated Essential build.prop tweaks Integrated with AROMA installer Beautiful RAM management Improved Battery Kernel tweaks SD Card speed tweaks Sqlite and Zipalign tweaks init.d support CWM and TWRP are integrated Performance redefined Busybox integrated Rooted and fully deodexed for Both Bootloader Xposed installer integrated DSEE HX and S-Force Tweaked Home Tweaked Settings More Z3 and Z5 camera addons and ports More features apps Smart settings ( backlight, motion ) Xperia X looks and features Smoother UI Themeable Lockscreens and many more, let's look !! |

Screenshots you find on @dstrikersZ1 Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xper...3#post56496283 |

Xperia Z Ultra C6833 with Stock Z1 LP 14.6.A.1.236 You must make a backup TA, and personal Data n stock ROM Unlocked and Locked Bootloader ( For unlocked need test ) Thinking brain For locked, stay on stock kernel For unlocked, you can use any stock based custom kernel |

FOR UNLOCKED AND LOCKED BOOTLOADER ( NEWCOMERS ) Make sure you have Z1 LP 14.6.A.1.236 pre-rooted and recovery installed For unlocked BL, You need to use any custom kernel for testing Get my ROM in above and copy into your external storage Reboot into recovery Do a full wipe ( wipe data, cache, dalvik, system ) Select and install my ROM Follow instructions in Aroma After installation complete, reboot Activate root access and enjoy |

Version SP002X_12 May 2016 New Battery Icons Improved new UI and icons Updated Support app Xperia Home launcher 10.0.A.0.28 ( from Z3 marshmallow ) Xperia test icon packs included Improved Settings Fixed attaching file in Sony Email app Flag tuner Battery Calibration More build.prop tweaks Signal dan DNS tweaks Extended init.d experimental tweaks Z3 Image Enhancement Google Play battery drain fix experimental tweak Disable CPU Thermal Throttling experimental tweak I/O Scheduler experimental tweak CPU Governor experimental tweak Kill Media tweak Qualcomm assertive tweak Navbar, lockscreen and slider option are moved into ROM control Removed OTA features because it's experimental Lockscreen album art and Brightness slider settings |

Banners you find on @dstrikersZ1 Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xper...3#post56496283 |

@dstrikersZ1 for his excellent DStrikersZ1 ROM @Doom Slayer for his base (RXSW Z5 Experience PORT) @Ben Ling for xperia Z3 home, small apps port and Xperia X Themes @Rajeev for xperia Z3 apps port @DaRk-L0rD for advance volume control @Chocolatetrain for camera mod @niaboc79 for Z3 systemUI port @Pakman123 for Z3 x-reality and vivid @amarullz aroma installer @Madaditya easy guide for aroma @jimRnor DRM Files @zhuhang Viper4android @xperiaz2 Z3 and C3 camera port @NUT for Recovery files @dontbelive Z3 sound files @venkat kamesh helping me for script, lockscreen album option and sony email fix @gamzekal Xperia Z5 features port @Beton Style Xperia X modified themes @k1ks Tweaking scripts @androidexpert35 Tweaking scripts too |
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