Wednesday 13 July 2016

Best course of action for OTA 13.1-ZNH2KAS254

Hey guys, my OnePlus One is great but my dad's has the modem issue where 4G just switches off periodically and only thing to get it working is to reboot. Tried every fix under the sun and hoping this update will fix, but probably not. We tried flashing Oxygen modem files as he had no issues on that OS but this changed nothing, other than seemingly not allowing us to do the OTA (assuming that that's what's stopping us, read on here that you can't have any system file changes like that if you want to do OTA's). Here's what happens when I try both these methods:

Update from about phone > system update: boots, says "installing system update" and then "error"

Update from stock recovery: "installing system update" then
Verifying current system
System partition has unexpected contents
E: failed to install /sideload/

All we want at the moment is to get OTA's working seamlessly, can get the radio stuff fixed later.
Can I reflash the cyanogenos radio files and then the OTA will work? Can we flash the system image from the full new ZIP from the cyanogenos site? Want updates to work. Thanks!

Edit: currently travelling and would prefer not to wipe but will if necessary.

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