Friday 15 July 2016

x98air wont power on after reprogram of bios

I bought a x98 air 3g dual boot 1 month ago . I updated the bios to 2.02 version and it worked for 3 weeks . one day when I do a normal shutdown from windows 10 . it powered off and didnot power on from this day . I do any combination of button like power + volume up or power +volume down or power+volume up+volume down , but it didnot respond all totally dead . I searched in internet and find some ways like connet the tablet to a pc and push power button and something like it . Many of people suggested to reprogram the bios of tablet . I purchased the 341a eeprom programmer and a 8 pins clip for connection ,also i build a circuit for conversion of 3.3v(programmer) to 1.8 v(tablet) .
then i connect bios chip to programmer and software of programmer detect the chip :) .
I erased the chip and program it with 2.02 bios bin file from techtablets site.I verfied the chip programming and it was correct .
after this , I connect the red wire of battery to tablet and push power button , but nothing happend. I use any combination of button but again nothing happend.
I programmed the chip with some of other bin file , but with these files ,again nothing happend .
I considered when I push the power button , cpu of tablet become hot and when I push power button about 15 sec ,it get normal and cold.
I checked it with a little led torch ,when I push the power button the led turn on and until I push the power button about 15 sec ,it remain on .
anyway, I appreciate if someone helping me for real power on the tablet .

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