Tuesday, 26 July 2016

SM-G930U crippled wifi reception and missing advanced wifi options - why?

I've tested 3 SM-G930U's by comparing their ability to detect wifi signals that are below moderate field strength with 2 SM-G930P's and 1 SM-G930F. Both the 930P's and the 930F see the weak wifi test nodes perfectly fine. Whereas the 930U's mostly can't see the weak test nodes at all. I first thought that this reduced wifi sensitivity may be due to a hardware difference on the 930U phones. However, a 3rd party app that I've installed on my current 930U is able to see each of the weak wifi test nodes perfectly fine. In fact, with this app running its wifi detection/reception seems identical to that of the 930P's and the 930A that I've tested. Once the app is closed, the 930U can no longer see the weak nodes.

I think my above described experience fairly well concludes that the inability of the 930U to see weaker wifi signals is a firmware based issue. Clearly, the untouched versions of Android 6.0.1 residing on the 930P's and the 930F that I've tested do not suffer from this affliction. But why is the resident wifi receiving ability crippled in the 930U firmware? I have a theory... and I would appreciate some input about it.

My theory is based upon the fact that the Android OS used to include many more wifi advanced options than I now see on the wifi advanced menu in version 6.0.1. Below is a screenshot of the version 6.0.1 wifi advanced menu, followed by a screenshot of a pre version 6 wifi advanced menu. The option on the pre version 6 advanced menu called "avoid poor connections" is the feature that I suspect may be permanently enabled in the 930U firmware. If it is, since there's no apparent way to toggle it off from the user interface, that would tend to explain the results of my wifi sensitivity comparisons on these S7 models.

Please share your thoughts on this topic as well as any comparative test results you may produce. But please understand that if your wifi test fields are of moderate or greater strength, a 930U will likely not demonstrate symptoms of this issue.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	Screenshot_20160726-105600.png<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	157.9 KB<br/>ID:	3824603

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	wifi_advanced.png<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	110.3 KB<br/>ID:	3824608

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