Sunday, 17 July 2016

Phone erased itself (kind of) after reboot

This is quite unusual. Let me first say the device has been running completely stock (latest COS, cyanogen recovery, non-rooted) for the past year or so.

This is how it happened, I set up my alarms at night and went to bed, but then I remembered the device was running for 8 days straight and becoming somewhat sluggish so I decided to reboot it.
I pressed the power button, selected reboot, and pressed ok. As it was restarting, I went to sleep and never looked at the device.

The next day: launcher has been reset to trebuchet (from gplay launcher). ALL my apps were gone. All google apps and services were gone.
Only a handful of system apps remain. As if I've installed a cyanogenmod based rom without flashing gapps.
Dialer and SMS apps are there, but contacts are gone. My SMS messages show but the app force closes if I try to open any message.

Gallery app does show all my pictures so not everything seems to have gone.
Using the cyanogen file manager app, I can see that all my files are still there.

Any idea what's going on?
The only thing I can think of doing right now is factory reset using fastboot.

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