Monday 18 July 2016

Non-intuitive thread reply buttons.

Every now & then, a device's development thread is faced with someone (usually with a low post count) quoting the entire 1st post, this takes up needless screen space, as normally, the actual content of the quoter, while having relevance to the thread, has no bearing on the content being quoted. It also can result in the associated forum's moderators being called on to edit that particular post to edit out (or add hide tags).

At most of the other forums that I visit, each post within.every thread (permissions permitting) can be found:
  • Reply button takes you to the advanced post editor, without any other post placed in the edit box. (Within or without quote tags).

  • 'Quote' button which takes you to the advanced post editor, with the related post being quoted, in quote tags.

  • Multi-Quote button which places the selected post within quote tags into the clipboard, to be inserted once the 'Reply' or 'Quote' button is used.

Also, at the bottom of every page in a thread, if it has a Quick Reply box, it doesn't require activation by clicking on a button at the bottom of a post.

Based on this, I find it easy to see why many users inexperienced with the way that XDA forums operate, end up needlessly quoting the 1st post, or any posts within the thread of concern.

Is there a specific reason for the way that the reply buttons work on XDA? Or could the adjustment of their configuration & actions be considered in order to minimize the amount of post/ thread maintenance that your moderators are being called to do?

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