Friday, 22 July 2016

Nexus 9 Boot-Loop After Stock-Rom Update.

Guys so I got my Nexus 9, with all the stock things, including: stock rom, stock recovery, no unlocked bootloader and no enabled usb debbuging. After some sort of system update, I got the "Your device is corrupt. It can't be trusted and may not work properly"(Red) and after that I get this screen where it says 'No command." .
Since the usb debbuging is not enabled and I can't flash any custom recovery or roms because I can't unlock the bootloader, how am I supposed to solve this?
P.S. I can access fastboot mode but when I try to unlock the bootloader I get :


(bootloader) ability is 0
(bootloader) Permission denied for this command!
OKAY [ 0.026s]
finished. total time: 0.026s

Because the usb debbuging is not enabled and I can not enable it

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