Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Moto G (2015) Increased performance Speed in Marshmallow

Hello guys,
I bought a Moto G 8gb 3rd Edition (2015) unlocked about 3 months ago, and it came with Marshmallow out-of-the-box. I started using it and after installing some apps, the phone started becoming very slow.
I checked here the post about clearing the cache, did that, worked for 2 weeks. Then I did a factory reset, worked for about 2 weeks as well.
Started trying things on my own, things were getting worse, a few days ago Moto Actions were not working, Camera would rarely open, and the flashlight did not react at all.
So I started checking online for this DOZE feature, that seems to put the apps to sleep once the phone is in idle. Sure some times the phone was slow when picking it up after some idle time. But other times it was just always slow. Long story short, I disabled the following apps from DOZE: System UI, Launcher3, Whatsapp, Instagram, Google Keyboard, Moto Action, Camera, Chrome, Spotify, Twitter.
I have been using it like this for about 3 days, and the performance increase is incredible, the phone now works as I wanted. No lag or slow down whatsoever, I can listen to music, browse the web, Moto actions now work all the time. Feel free to try it if you want.
I want to leave clear, I do not know why this happens, and don't know the exact functions of DOZE, it may as well do a thousand things more, but the at the end of the day, my phone works faster now, and that is what I want, performance during usage.

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