Saturday 16 July 2016

Galaxy S7 Sd Card Sync and Media Re-scan

I found it so annoying that Samsung doesn't give us an option to save Screenshots and Burst Shots to the SD Card, So I've been trying to find a way to automatically transfer them on a daily basis. I found by simply moving everything over, it messes up Gallery and so I had to find a way to force a media re-scan. I've searched for days to figure out how to do this and I think I finally came up with an acceptable solution. I figured I'd share it with you guys with hopes that it'll save someone else the headaches it caused me. :)

I have a non-Rooted Galaxy S7 running 6.01 with a 64Gig U3 card. I created a Task to automatically transfer everything over to the SD card when I place the phone on my charger at the end of the day. Here's how I did it.

First I Installed the following from the Play Store:
#Make sure you go through the setup wizard to grant read/write access to the sd card

I paid for both Tasker and FolderSync.. In my opinion, well worth the couple bucks. These are insanely powerful tools. :D ScanMediaPlease is free.

In FolderSync I setup a Folderpair for the Camera and Screenshot folders.

Unique name: Screenshots
Account: SD CARD
Sync type: To remote folder
Remote Folder: /storage/XXXX-XXXX/DCIM/Screenshots/ #Replace XXXX-XXXX with your SD Card's mount point
Local Folder: /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Screenshots/
Under Sync options, Enable "Delete files after sync"
Under Advanced Disable "Use temp-file scheme"
Adjust any other settings to suite your needs.
I created another Folderpair the same as above for the Camera folder.

I then created a profile in Tasker.

-State > Power > Power (Source "Any")
I linked it to a Task and name it "Connected". In that task I have the following:

-Plugin > Folder Sync (sync all)
-File > Delete Directory (Dir DCIM/.thumbnails recursive)
#It seems to me that the .thumbnails folder is a complete waste of space. This folder can grow to ridiculous sizes over time and Gallery works just fine without it. So i added this delete command to clean it up.
-Task > Wait (30 seconds)
#I have this to allow enough time for Folder Sync to complete before performing a Media Re-Scan. You may need to adjust this depending on the speed of your sd card and amount of screenshots / Bursts you take between charges.
-App > Launch App (App ScanMediaPlz)

That's it!
Now every time I place my phone on my charger, all my Screenshots and Burst Shots get moved to the DCIM folder on the SD Card. The thumbnail folder gets wiped clean and all media gets re-scanned. I open Gallery after and all my photos are organized properly.
Hope this helps.


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